Saturday, September 02, 2006
This thingy i hav to do thanks to Hui Lyn *.*
ok....better start cracking my head...
Seven Things That Scare Me:
1. Being all alone in life with no guy there for me...
2. Losing my loved n friends...
3. Being in a fight with a friend and knowing that it's my fault :-(
4.Being left out and forgotten
5.No Astro !!! No Internet !!! No blogging !!!
6.Losing my voice and not being able to talk or laugh anymore :O )
7.Telling a lame joke that no one understands +.+
Seven Things That I Luv:
1.My TV!!!The Simpsons!!!
2.Buying stuff!!!
3.My family and my friends!!!
4.Food!!! I live to eat, not eat to live!!!
5.Money!!! ( I want more moolah..!!!) $.$
6.Music!!! Music is my heart and my soul!!!
7. Him
Seven Important Things In My Room:
2.My jar of emergency cookies n snacks!!!
3.My blanket !!!
4.My bed!!!
5.My Computer!!!
6.My cupboard of clothes!!!
7.My poster collection!!!
Seven Random Facts about me:
1.I collect stamps,seriously,I do.
2.I love taking photos even though I am so not photogenic.
3.I like to pose in front of the mirror when no one's looking. (It's seriously perasan but at least i do it when no one's around)
4.I am such an envious person..i get jealous over the smallest things but i forget it after a while.
5.I love jokes, any type of jokes, as long as it makes me laugh.
6.I'm kinda lame.
7.I'm seriously religious and superstitious.
Seven Things I Plan to do Before I Die:
1.Try every extreme sport available on the face of this earth.
2.Get rich or die trying. lolx...
3.Buy everything I've ever wanted but just couldnt afford now and show it off...ahahahahaha(evil laughter)
4.Be together with my one true love happily ever after!!!
5.Be rich and donate a million dollars to charity(for once, i will do something good and worthwhile)
6. Tour the world with my band(if my band will ever work out)
7. Buy all the Hilton Hotels and be richer than Paris Hilton and buy Trump Tower and be richer than Donald Trump. I'm not gonna buy Microsoft and be richer than Bill Gates coz he's such a nice guy.
Seven Things I can Do:
1.Get into trouble.
2.Make people laugh.
3.Shop till I drop...if i ever have enough moolah to do so.
4.Copy people's school project.
6.Watch a whole day Simpsons marathon onTV.
7.Embarass myself at all times.
Seven Things I Cant do:
1.Sit through an extremely long lecture.
2.Control my laughter.
3.Do my own school project.
5. Be alone.
6.Look good and high-class and not do anything stupid.
7.Control my emotions when I'm really angry or sad.
Seven Things I say the Most:
4.Oh my god!
6.That's so ................*speechless*
Seven people who must do this:
1.Hui Lyn (but she's already done it *.*)
2.Xin Li
3.Ling Yen
5.Siew Kwan
7.Shawn or Dexter one else d...
This thingy had better be good coz i spent an hour on this post....i'm a slow typer....*.*
**Everything happens for a reason.**
Feed me. Seriously, I'm starving.# ;
Friday, September 01, 2006
i'm gonna try to put pix in my posts....i dun hav a clue on how to do i'll juz experiment with a few don't mind the disaster i'm about to create...ahahahax...*.*
Starburst...isnt life juicy??
Friends true... :D
See the little stickman n the little pink thingy ;)
Ok....these are all the pics i can put now....hopefully it works n turns out well...coz i freakin spent half an hour on this !!!!
**ahahahahahahahahahahahahax....laughter is the language of the soul **
Feed me. Seriously, I'm starving.# ;
:( Depressed....!!!!
i think i'm depressed....i think....depressed means very very sad rite....well...maybe i'm not depressed ...just sad ....
i dun even noe y i'm fact, these few days are actually quite joyful n happy n carefree....i dun hav any homework to worry about n it's not as if i'm taking my PMR in like five y the hell am i sad?!
maybe it's coz i just realize i suck at evrything....even blogging...bluekk :( ...there's like nothing good in my life....but actually i shouldnt really complain....there are ppl out there in africa or something who's got it way worse than i have.....therefore i should be content....but evryone in the world ...not just me n you...EVERYONE...wants more in their life.....
BUT....there's always something good in a bad situation....a silver lining on every cloud....and in this situation....the best part of my life is my family , who has always been there and of friends....
i wanna dedicate this post to all my friends out there.....i love you guys so muchhhhhhh~~~....omg....i so cant imagine life without you guys....u people are the ones keeping me happy ....n i will continue to be happy....coz all i need in life is u guys...and well..i need food,air n water n all that but u guys r like a basic necessity too!!!!
i wanna thank all my friends....they rock....each n evryone of them...and even the ones i might not be that close to....i will always cherish all of them forever....and i wanna apologise to them if i have like ever hurt their any way at all...i'm sorry...!!!
This post is totally dedicated to all my friends :) rock guys!!!!!
p/s: xin li...i'm so happy for you....wish u all the best with PeterPan or Mouse or whatever u call him...sry if i dint reli congratulate u tat day....u n mei yan are like the closest to me now....luv ya guys forever!!!
*.*Where would we be in this world if it weren't for our friends?*.*
Feed me. Seriously, I'm starving.# ;